
Turnkey WMS - Seer WMS - Hosted Systems

Turnkey WMS Systems

We deliver a fully turnkey WMS meeting your unique requirements. Project components include comprehensive planning, design & engineering, project management, installation, and turn-up. Our long term partners:

Seer Warehouse Management will fit you now and will scale to fit your growing needs in the future. Don't settle. You aren't just buying a package, you'll be getting some of the most senior software engineers in the industry that will make sure you have all the bases covered. We'll keep you informed of upcoming technology and warehouse practices that can help your specific operation. And we'll continue to make sure your system fits and is efficient as your company grows.

From the most basic WMS that has wireless handhelds and fork truck computers to the full extent of automatic warehouse devices like SRMs, conveyor and AGVs, your new Seer Warehouse Management system will take care of your needs as you grow.

  • Complete feature set configured to your unique set of requirements.
  • Proven High-Availability System performance over more than 20 years in service.
  • Platform Independent, Simple Licensing - Any number of users.
  • Database Support for SQL Server, Oracle, Postgresql. Ask us about your database.
  • Retrofit Any ASRS Hardware.
  • Blockchain support for integrated supply chains.

Hosted WMS Systems

Reduce your TOC with our hosted systems.

  • Web enabled configuration and maintenance.
  • High-Availability System performance available anywhere.
  • Full REST/SOAP API support for complete ERP integration.
  • Blockchain support for integrated supply chains.